Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What's in your queue?

Sis and I have posted a bunch mentioning Ravelry but I don't think we have ever officially discussed it. For those of you out there that don't know what it is, it's a place where people can post knitting/crocheting patterns, can buy patterns, can log their projects, can keep track of their yarn, and many more things. There are tons of groups you can belong to ranging anywhere from people who love to knit on dpns to people who knit for charity. There are really so many things you can do on this site.

It gives you access to tons of free patterns and patterns that you can purchase. It's also great because if for instance you find a pattern that you want to make, you can see comments that others have left about that project giving tips and tricks about how they tweaked the pattern, found errors, or did things a little differently to get a better result. I first heard about it from a girl working at Joann's and also knitting pattern central often posted links to free patterns that brought you to ravelry.

So now that you know a little something about ravelry, let me share with you whats on the top of my list in my queue. Your queue in ravelry is a place where you can store patterns that you would like to potentially make in the future.

Here is our page on ravelry where you can see everything we have queued etc.

So what's in your queue?

Happy Knitting!


PS: The only problem with our Rav account is the fact that it is obviously shared by my sister and I meaning I can't queue her xmas gift ideas because she'll see them!

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