Monday, September 12, 2011

Today (Yesterday).

I have been avidly working on these glittens. Ugh. Adding that mitten flap is turning out to be quite difficult. I hope they still look wearable or else I'll cry. Also on the list from today. Mom has requested that I knit stockings for everyone for Christmas. She says she wants nothing else except homemade stockings. So I did a ravelry roundup (thanks Idle Hands) of xmas stockings and we all agreed on these.

Here is the pattern but this is actually a picture of a version done by a fellow raveler. She did an amazing job. We all decided upon these mostly because they reminded us of elf stockings or Who stockings from the Grinch or something. And even better is the fact that the pattern is free and this is just striped as opposed to our second choice...

Are these not beautiful?! Tough decision. But the elf socks came out on top. Which is good because maybe I might get them all (5) done on time.

M has been talking about documentaries. I watched I Like Killing Flies yesterday. So good. You have to see it. It's about a guy who has owned a little hole in the wall restaurant for over 30 years with his wife where he makes amazing food, all homemade. And he's a character. It's great.

So I guess I have to wake up tomorrow... Doom.



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